Potato Gun News
News: Potato vs Chrome
Seems Google is finally understanding the primacy of the potato. It validates many things. That Google is becoming smarter. That currency should be in potatoes, not dollars. That the potato is the new gold.
News: AquaNet is #1 Choice for Potato Gun Fuel
I made several spud guns in my younger years.... They were never the same. The only constant in my potato gun construction was AquaNet. AquaNet hairspray was the key to my spud gun's fire power.
News: Potato Gun w/ Pressure sensor
Just in case you wanted to know the PSI you're pushing, you could mod your potato canon to include a pressure sensor.
News: 13 I-do-mean Hellacious Potato Gun how-to Articles
Here are the13 best articles on How to Build a Potato Gun. http://www.scribd.com/doc/15796837/To-Make-A-Spudgun-An-instructionally-informative-document-by-Enoctis
News: B.S.R. 75 bolt action spudgun potato sniper
This is the B.S.R. 75 bolt action potato sniper, made from abs and pvc. search for B.S.R. 75 on youtube for video
News: 4 Touched-by-the-Lord Potato Gun Video Tutorials
All of these four videos are excellent. You will notice that while all the videos and articles have slightly different design dimensions, they are fundamentally very similar. I urge you to view and read everything I am serving up. Then, my final words of advice are simply....choose between a barbeque switch and a taser gun. (Hint: there is a right choice, and there is a wrong choice.)
News: Knoxville caressed my gun and I surrendered to...
...his easy laugh and southern charm. Pull this trigger...it is just so electric. Not just the spark, but the 50,000 volts cursing through the tumid chamber, filled with liquid soluble polydimethalsiloxane.
News: "P*nis Worship" say Freudian killjoys. This picture gallery...
of guys and their potato guns....errr...ummmm..., may prove him right. Can't a guy just enjoy hairspray, vegetables, and a big huge boom?
News: Swede kills cow with potato gun
News: My poor Mom.
One summer day last year we were in our farm house in New Hampshire. My brother's friend, Michael, had just made a spankin new potato gun. We ran out of potatos. You know what I am talkin about. Everything is happy until you run out of potatos. Mom is sitting peacefully at the picnic table reading. Michael gets the .22 and nails a chipmunk that had been terrorizing our grain supplies. He stuffed the chipmunk into the barrel. I think some cotten gauze or clothing was wrapped around to...
News: I love all my guns...equally
I am not an NRA person. But I do believe in my sovereign right to own and carry my potato guns where I please. I put them in my trunk and cruise. I really have no clue what would happen if I my trunk was searched...and a cop saw three potato guns, hairspray, and a 5 pound bag of russets.