Potato Gun Forum
Forum Thread: What is optimal Chamber to Barrel ratio?
Most of the literature seems to favor a 1.5:1 ratio. Burntlatke ventures to lower ratios. Is there any objective white paper on this pressing topic?
Forum Thread: HIgh Grade Riffle and Scope Rings
Riffle Scope Rings offers high grade firearms, scope rings, riffles, military equipments and memoravilla, quality firearm accessories and other related products
Forum Thread: Has anyone clocked a potato with a radar detector?
I am really interested if any one has performed an A/B test of two identical potato guns: one with taser ignition and the other with bbq switch. What is the velocity difference. Does anyone have any stats
Forum Thread: Reason for retracted entries on this Forum
Little did I know, that this website condoned to the abuse of animals. My bad, entirely, for not reading through every post, thoroughly.
Forum Thread: Is there a Potato Gun of Southern California Club?
Do Brothers like Potato Guns. Does the NRA have a position on them. Does the USDA monitor usage. Was this a topic in the recent Copenhagen Climate Conference. Do Potato Gun enthusiasts endorse carbon neutrality. Ummm, just a thought balloon.
Forum Thread: Legality?
Is it legal to own a taser powered potato gun in the state of California?
Forum Thread: A Gravity Defying Potato
What ever happened to the potato that Jimmy Bell shot on a high arc over Stephen's house one evening? Could it still be airborne?
Forum Thread: The Best Combustion Cannon Ignition Source (IMO)
Entry retracted.
Forum Thread: Me want idiot-male + potatogun pics to corkboard
if you have some good pictures of guys and their potato guns, I would love to see them. A little self deprecation is a good thing